Summer 2023 Recap!

Summer 2022 was outstanding! We returned to pre-pandemic programming levels with 80-100 youth and staff coming through the Boston Project house everyday. The Elmhurst Park Program for elementary students was bustling along with six leadership and employment programs for middle and high school students (see page 2). Our passion for building strong communities characterized by God’s shalom was on full display.

“Then God looked over all that he had made, and he saw that it was very good!” (Gen 1:31)

Our summer theme, “All That Is Good,” is from the biblical Creation story. Cady, a summer program coordinator explains, “ The theme is a recognition of Imago Dei (the image of God) in all aspects of our community. It is about valuing young people and having space where they are empowered. A place where their voices are good.” 

Cady and her co-leader, Taija-Rayne, planned The Big Event, our artistic closing summer program attended by 250 friends. “All That Is Good was expressed in many ways beyond the performances. It was the park filled with art, resources, and the community. It was youth having ownership of their voices in the community. It was God’s goodness on full display.”

All That is Good reflects God’s desire since creation. Our young people want you to know that our community is good and that they are part of that goodness. Come join us!

Middle & High School Summer Ministry


250 friends celebrated as youth proclaimed that our community is good, and they are part of the good.

Artists in Action

Youth express their voices artistically to address injustice. "A loving family of artists uplifting one another."

The Brotherhood

Inspired as agents of positive change in their community. Learning from our community leaders and elders.

Mental Health Ambassadors

Educating to end the stigma. "I gained language to understand what is happening at home."

The Sisterhood

Empowered to live out the best version of themselves. Loving self, loving each other, & loving community.

Healthy Youth Champions

Addressing local food injustice. "I learned how to serve my community's health needs."

Grace Chapel Cross-Cultural Learning Experience

Middle school students joined our youth for a week focused on food justice and service. Hottest week of the summer!

Young Life Camp

Over the summer, four youth and young adults made decisions to follow Jesus. MANY grew spiritually. "I discovered my voice and began to share my story."

CCDA Principle: Relocation

This is our first post from an 8-part series on the principles of CCDA (Christian Community Development Association), and how they apply to our ministry context in Boston.


By Liz Cressy 

In the Bible, John writes “The Word (Jesus) became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood” (John 1:14, The Message). Jesus’ example inspires us. Relocation is about being present. It is neither paternalistic nor about moving people, rather it is an “unconditional commitment to a particular neighborhood.” Pastor Wayne Gordon* writes, “relocation entails desiring for our neighbors…what we desire for ourselves.” Jesus came from heaven to … Read the rest...

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We Need Each Other

“I love walking around the neighborhood and seeing how it has changed. How much it’s improved. I always know Boston Project is having an impact,” shares Kevin Baird, a pastor at Hamilton Congregational Church. Kevin first visited The Boston Project ten years ago. “I remember sitting around this big long table with Paul and Keith, back in the day, and just catching the vision!”


Ten years later, we are still dreaming together over a cup of coffee. However, the people around the table have changed. Now Liz and Ben Cressy are talking with Kevin. Liz first met Kevin when she … Read the rest...

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Swing Me!

“Keith. Keith! KEITH!!! Can you swing me?!The sounds of my summer were full of little voices calling for pushes on swings, band-aids on boo-boo’s, help with crafts, bathroom breaks, and a hundred other requests. In an unexpected turn, due to staffing needs of the ministry, I directed the Elmhurst Park Children’s Program this summer – a first in my time at The Boston Project – and I loved it!


For six weeks, The Boston Project operates a free, drop-in program for kids ages 5 to 12, full of activities, games, crafts, Bible lessons, and more. On a typical … Read the rest...

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